I WILL make it!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Three Days Off.. Big Plans

So I'm off for the next 3 days and I have a lot to do if I want to accomplish everything I have planned. I do think it can be done. Apart from the usual read my emails, check everyone's blogs, visit my favorite Affiliate Marketing forum, I plan to have written my home page and product pages for my next 2 sites. And get Eric to hopefully do the same - or at least closer to doing the same.

For those of you who follow James Martell, sorry, but this will be repetitive but funny. So, in case you DON'T, he suggests 5-6 product pages, where you funnel your visitors to see your affiliate links and hopefully buy something. Eric knows this, although he hasn't really read the manual. So at work last night, I get an email saying he has figured out the product pages for his computer site. Now, I knew it was going to be more than 5 or 6 to cover his articles. I wasn't however expecting what his total was - 28!!!!! So when I got home last night, we sat down and reorganized them all into about 10-15 product pages. Still too many, I know, but logical due to the sheer size and topic (computer help) of this site. I don't think we can reduce it much more without cutting out some articles. Plus it makes sure that we will write enough articles to funnel the visitors into!

So more updates in the next couple of days. And if you want to see someone who's REALLY going after this full throttle, check out BJ's Adventures in Net Marketing - she's following someone's challenge. And don't forget, if you need travel accessories, buy through my links, ok? ;)

Have a great hump day!

Tara :)

Sunday, March 27, 2005

About Me

This post is going to be added on the links list on the side, but in the mean time, it's my newest post. Taking an idea from BJ's blog, and under the assumption that 1 or 2 of you might actually be interested in knowing a bit about me, here goes:

Full name: Tara Lynn Pearce (an old job had me as Tara-Lynn since my middle name is on my paper work. I don't answer to it, and don't find it funny. )

DOB: 7/29/76 (in case your math is bad, that makes me 29 right now and a Leo. I definitely have a Leo personality. Look it up.)

Grew up: in Greenfield Park, Quebec (Canada). I've had more roomates than I have fingers and toes and have lived all over the South Shore of Montreal and the island of Montreal itself.

Currently Residing: In Chateauguay, Quebec. I hate it here. We moved here because houses were cheap and it was close to my in-laws. The SECOND I can afford to move (either closer to my parents or somewhere without SNOW) I'm outta here!

Marital Status: Very Happily Married to a saint of a man, Eric, since August 23rd, 2003. Before that, dating since Labour Day weekend 2000.

Children: Not Yet. If ever. We tried for a couple years, but I now realise I ain't ready - financially especially, but also where I am in my life. Plus if this ever takes off (Affiliate Marketing, see other posts) I want to travel. I'd even love to go (as an ultimate goal, not anytime soon) RV'ing in a nice Class A for long periods. So, no kids for a while. I think I knew when I could look at babies without doing the smile/cringe that it wasn't the right time. We're cool with it.

Pets: Yup. 2 dogs, 2 cats. Chinese Sharpei (f), almost 4, Tequila. Keeshond, (m), 2.5 years, Jager(meister) - yes, we are drinkers. Princess (f), 11, calico (mutt), Schumy (m), 4.5 years, black mutt, probably mixed with persian. I'd have more pets in a heartbeat but hubby says we already live in a zoo. I argue that we still have room on our king size bed... but he's still winning the argument. Eventually bigger house = more pets. I WILL win THAT argument! ;)

Job: No job right now, actually as of today, March 29th, 2006 (I'm updating this post) I'm officially jobless again, and hopefully forever.

Favorites: tv show.. right now, Medium. Movie.. Grease or Dirty Dancing. Music.. all kinds, but I'm a huge fan of Amanda Marshall and Bon Jovi. Websites I visit every day.. My Yahoo, my stats, Google Adsense. Favorite musical (I LOVE musicals).. Les Miserables - I know all the words to the entire play. Favorite song ever.. Total Eclipse of the Heart, Bonnie Tyler. If you think any of my favorites are cheesy... up yours ;)

If you want to know something else, feel free to ask, I'll add it to this page if I feel like it ;)

Tara :)
aka dabrat76

Friday, March 25, 2005

Reply to comments

For now, and since it won't take much time away from my work, I've decided to just post my answers to comments here, since even though the commenters are signed in, I can't reply via the email I get.

So, here's two comments and two replies:

From Jonnyq888:

Wow, I was expecting maybe a little note down in the comments but I got nearly an half a post=) I had been considering SBI but I've decided against it. I actually have my blog at www.jonnyq888.blogspot.com. Check it out, if you like it then maybe we could exchange links.

Hi Jonny,

I checked out your blog, great stuff! Something you wrote caught my eye – about paying $300 for the Yahoo listing. DON’T! There’s no guarantee you’ll get listed and if you don’t, you won’t get a refund. Plus, Yahoo is easy to get into – at least it has been for me. Inktomi Slurp (Yahoo’s spider) visits me at least once a day. I’m doing great in Yahoo! I’d be happy to exchange links. Let me know what anchor text you’d like for your link. **(This applies to anyone who would like to exchange links.)

Tara :)

From Sissy:

Hi Tara,First........check out your eHost link. I don't think that it is working.I am a newbie also. A total newbie. My fingers are shaking just trying to type this comment. Think how I fall apart trying to do what you have accomplished. 50 articles!! I have no hubby to help, just a friend who hinders. He has no clue as to why I spend so many hours on the computer. My reply of "doing research on how to start an affilate business" no longer suffices.

I found you on the forum. Followed you to your website (good job) and then to this blog. Coincidentally,I had been watching another fellow blogger on blogspot and trying to figure out what she is doing. I will need to use this blog for my website for now.

Tara, did you purchase the Martel program? I have read and downloaded all of his freebies but the purchase is too high for me at this time. Did you check out his daughter's site? Did you subscribe to her list? It is fantastic but SBI is too expensive for me also.Keep up the good work and keep us posted.

Hi Sissy,

Checked the link, it worked for me.. what happened to you? And thanks for letting me know J

Everyone has to start somewhere, and I’m no great shakes at this yet either. I only started at the very end of January. I have taken 2 weeks off of work though to work on this, and my hours have been cut a bit too, so that helps. And the hubby wrote only 6 articles out of the 50, plus the home page, 5 product pages, etc. That will change with the next site though. But hey, you can do this alone, tons of people do! Ignore the friend who doesn’t support you. If you want an even better blog of a James Martell follower, check out http://www.adventuresinnetmarketing.com/ BJ’s blog is MUCH better than mine :)

I did buy Martell’s book. I didn’t have the money either (thank goodness for credit cards!) but I’m so glad I did. If you can swing it, I highly recommend his book, which is all you need. He totally spoon feeds you what to do. I think you may have SBI and James Martell mixed up though. You mention Martell’s daughter – his oldest daughter is around 15 and I don’t think she has a site yet. You may mean Ken Evoy who created SBI. His daughter Nori is the one creating sites. I did look for a split second (I was at work) at one, and I should go back and look a bit more closely, since someone recommended me to.

Feel free to email me if you like (it’s easier than the comments) at support AT a1-travel-accessories DOT com.

Take care and thanks for the vote of confidence!

Tara :)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

To Jonny

"Congradulations on hitting 50. I am also working on building an affiliate website. Did you happen to use SBI! to build your site? " (Jonny's comment)

Thank you :)

Nope, I use James Martell's method. I hadn't really heard of SBI! before I bought the Affiliate Marketers Handbook, and I'm glad. Knowing what I know now, I would've been paralyzed trying to decide which one to go after, and as it turns out, I think JM's methods are a better fit for me. I wasn't a total noob coming into this. Affiliate marketing, yes, completely new, but I've been online for a long time, I'm very comfortable with computers and I'm very lucky to be married to a self proclaimed Computer Guru (and hey, I gotta agree ;) ) so I probably would've been annoyed by the SBI! method.

That being said, for people who need it, I've heard it's wonderful and I don't knock anyone who uses it. To each their own :)

And since I'm posting to answer you anyway (it would be great if in future commenters put an email in case they don't want a public answer) here's what's been going on the last few days. A whole whack of CRAP. I've been paralysed trying to decide on my next site - one big general niche site or several smaller, tighter niche sites. Everytime I decide, I then read something or talk to someone which makes me think the other option is better. My current line of thinking is a big niche site and split off one of the topics into it's own niche site. It won't be a 300 page site, but probably between 40-100 pages. I need to make a decision and quick, because I'm wasting time - I haven't done a damn thing really on ANY site for a few days. And since I can't afford to quit work yet, all my spare time SHOULD be going to my AM'ing.

That being said, hopefully this weekend I'll get more done. Unfortunately, I got stuck working Friday (thank you to Planning and Scheduling for NOT asking if I wanted to work or not!) so I don't get the 3 day weekend that most of the rest of you will. Maybe Friday will be quiet and I can start sketching out some outlines. Wish me luck!

Tara :)

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Finally... 50 articles

Actually, I was done somewhere in the middle of the night, but had to wait for Eric to get home and edit. All done now. The 2 packing articles aren't optimized at all, just useful lists for travelers. Now I've started researching a bit more my pet site. Still haven't fully focused on the niche yet, but I don't think I'm going to go after pet medications. A few reasons for that, I won't go into why. I think if I go fairly general I can build a massive site. Or I may just do a series of smaller sites, for example instead of everything pets, maybe 1 site food, 1 site toys, etc. If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment :)

I'm obviously not done with this site, but I think stepping back from it for a little while will make it easier to write more when I come back to it. Plus starting up another 2 sites will create more revenue streams and the quicker I do it, quicker I'm indexed. Quicker I'm indexed, faster the searches will come. Faster the searches come, more the money will come. See where this is going? More the money comes, faster I'm out of my job. Which is a VERY good thing. What sucks is I actually LOVE what I do, it's fun and rewarding helping my co-workers in other departments. I've just lost almost all respect for the company I work for. Everything that made the company great, both for employees and customers is going down the drain. Everything that already sucked is getting WORSE. Hopefully I have no more than 3 months to go. Hey, if I hit the 6/49 jackpot on Wednesday (national lottery here in Canada) I'd quit Thursday!

Anyway, Eric's home and I survived, without any really hairy moments. Good news for spending the summer at camp. I learned that leaving the t.v. on to go to bed helps drown out the scary noises ;) We have 3 t.v.'s here and 1 at camp, so I may just bring an extra one down for the bedroom. I think we're going to go to a sugaring off in 2 weeks with some friends and then head down to the States to the campground, make sure everything's in one piece and nothing's missing. If you want to know more about sugaring off (fun and yummy!) visit this link: http://www.tremblant-sugar-shack.com/anglais.html It's not the one we go to, but the best website I could find to explain it, should you unfortunately live somewhere where you've never heard of sugaring off.

Ok, time to sign off, here are the new articles:

Luggage Carts - How Do You Decide What You Need?
Do You Know Why You Need TSA Approved Luggage Locks?
Buying A Swimsuit Isn't As Bad As THAT!
Packing Carryon - Never Forget Anything Important Again!
What Not To Pack In Carry On Luggage - Know The Rules!

Back to work tomorrow (sniff sniff) :(

Tara :)

Saturday, March 19, 2005

5 more to go!

I was saying to myself I could get 7 articles done yesterday, no problem! Well, I ended up with 2. I shouldn't have eaten the spinach and 3 cheese ravioli with the 4 cheese sauce, without first taking a lactaid pill. You'd think how I felt after would make me not eat cheese again - nope! had some neufchatel and breton crackers (WITH a lactaid) as a snack. I promise, no more dairy w/o a pill! Supper ruined the night though, so today, I WILL get 5 articles done, and if I post it here and DON'T do 5, I'll feel like a jerk. Good motivation!

So here's the 2 articles:

Do You Know All the Travel Supplies You Need?
Pink Luggage, Who Doesn't Want to Be Pretty in Pink?

Read away! Oh, from my logs it seems I have a few Aussie visitors, and 1 or 2 in particular that spend alot of time on both my blog and my website. I think I know who they are, but if it's you, feel free to drop me an email at support AT a1-travel-accessories DOT com. (written that way to avoid spam bots).

Hopefully I'll be posting later!

Tara :)

Friday, March 18, 2005

With no further ado.. 9 more articles!

Samsonite Carry On Luggage - Great Choices & Prices!
American Tourister Carryons - Tons Of Choices!
Samsonite Suitcases - Lots of Choices!
Discount Delsey Luggage - Easy To Find!
Tapestry Luggage - Hard To Find, Fun To Buy!
Eagle Creek Luggage - A Really Cool Company!
Discount Tapestry Luggage - Not That Hard To Find!
Skyway Luggage - Unique Sizes To Meet Your Needs!
Dakota Luggage by Tumi - Rugged and Pretty!

Took a while to get them posted since Eric's sister only has dialup internet and he doesn't want to hog his parent's landline. Most likely though I will be writing several more articles today they won't be posted until tomorrow or Sunday. I've decided that while I'm waiting that I'll mock up the articles and then when I get the necessary edits I can just publish. I think most of these articles are of better quality than most of the ones written in the last couple of weeks. A lot more interesting to write, for sure!

A fellow AM'er has devised a great system for building sites that I think I'll follow. When he hits 50 articles, he starts on his next site, and then goes back and forth to write articles for them. So hopefully the magic number will be hit tonight. I have to then go get the templates necessary, figure out my niches and build the skeleton of the next 2 sites. I'm going to do 2 at once because one will be mainly done by me, the other by Eric.

Then would be the fun part of starting the submitting process all over again. Apart from researching keywords, I think I hate that the most. Thank goodness for www.selfpromotion.com - great site that will submit to alot of sites for you, for free. He has a donation process set up, which I should really do, it's such a great site!

Some good news over the last couple of days.. I'm now at almost $12 in Adsense (I know, it's not much, but it's paid for my hosting already!) and Google has put me back in the index and has visited a few times. No searches yet from Google though. And I've discovered a couple of websites that have done a one way link (better than me linking back to them as well) to me - one is even an online newspaper!

Overall, this is such a fun "job". I love that I'm in charge, and all the little bits of feedback you get really can make your day! I can't recommend this process enough. Click on the "Work from home" link on the right to learn more. If you can find your way to this blog, then trust me, you can do this too!

Have a great weekend folks!

Tara :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

5 more articles

Although I'm not going as fast as I would like. Eric hasn't been feeling well, so he only did one article. (Garment bags) I've done 5 (one to be uploaded later) but researched my keywords for the next 2 sites as well as more article research. So my hasn't been wasted at least.

We're off to the casino for dinner and a show tonight. One thing I'll say about my job, they do get us cheap tickets to fun events. I didn't pay the price listed, that's for sure! And sure, I'll admit, we'll gamble a bit. My game of choice is either the slot "Wizard of Odds" or the big Bingo game. I do quite well at both, so I stick with them.. lol And then tomorrow morning, Eric is off to Stratford for a long weekend to see his parents. Hopefully without him here I will get alot done - and not freak out about staying alone! lol

So that's about it. Here's the 5 new articles:

Garment Bags Take the Wrinkles Out Of Traveling
Kenneth Cole Luggage, A Man With A Dream
Diane von Furstenberg Luggage, What a Story!
Ricardo Luggage, Fine Designer Luggage
High Sierra, Luggage You Can Take Anywhere!

Next post.. hopefully TEN articles!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Three New Articles.. Slow Few Days

Howdy my 3 loyal blog readers! lol Just kidding, I doubt I even have 3! lol

So the last few days I've slacked a bit again, although yesterday I pretty much mapped out the rest of the articles for the site. Ok, well, I wrote down the subjects.. lol I'm going to aim for around 100 pages total (home, product and article pages, not counting site map, links etc) for this site. I'm really bored with this topic now. Maybe I'll come back to it after I start the next couple of sites. Goal is to have Travel Accessories done by April 1st. I don't think it'll be a problem if I really hustle this week, and get Eric to help a bit before he goes to visit his parents on Thursday.

Not sure how THAT's gonna go, being alone for 4 days. I'm pretty easy to freak out, so I may see (if we can get the house looking half decent) if some friends can stop by for visits, maybe even to stay over. Thankfully I've got the protector dogs on steroids - which in itself can be a problem, when they freak out at 4 am over a car door slamming outside.. lol As Eric says though, it's good practice for this summer when I plan on staying down at camp. As he also says, camp is a lot freakier than our house, what with the cows we can hear mooing at all hours and the coyotes howling. (Thankfully that's rare, and they NEVER come to visit. We just hear them clearly as we're at the back near corn fields.)

So, the really good news, I totally got my 7 for last week completed on Tuesday, and as of tonight, NINE for the week. Definitely a record. I would LOVE to get the rest done this week, but I think I'm going to aim for at least half of the 60-70 I have left to write. I may cheat a tad too and try and find some free articles. (Which is allowed, there are websites that offer articles for free reprint as long as the author's credits are there.)

So without further ado, my new articles:

Pathfinder Luggage - High Quality With High Standards!
Victorinox and Swiss Army Luggage - Quality For a Great Price
Boyt Luggage - Over 100 Years And Going Strong!

I tell ya, when I next need to buy luggage, I've certainly done ALL my darn research!

A quick final note (I know it's long today, sorry!) I have to mention the book I bought by Erika Ritter, The Great Big Book of Guys: Alphabetical Encounters with Men. Most likely NOT what you think. Not about sexual encounters, not male bashing, the book actually probably more CELEBRATES men and the relationships between women and the men in our lives. I'm almost done (I'm on "S") and I absolutely love it. It's on Amazon.com if you want to buy it. What a great speech and even better book, we had a great time!

Alright, alright, I'm done! Another update when the mood strikes or articles are done. Have a good week!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Yay me...

I got a FANTASTIC click through on Adsense.. can't say how much, but let's just say I could get a coffee with it.. maybe a large mocha? Haven't broken their bank yet.. heck, not even close to getting a check (you get paid when you reach $100) but hey, gotta start somewhere!

I'm getting more and more Yahoo searches. Google for some reason dropped me from the index. My site is known to them, but if you search any of my keywords, I don't think I come up. Not sure why. Oh well, keep 'em coming Yahoo!

Got 2 more articles done today, right under the wire. Eric and I are going to see Erika Ritter speak tonight at his school. (Lower Canada College www.lcc.ca if anyone is interested. He does I.T.) Should be fun, she seems funny. And apparently a male basher, which always tickles MY funny bone! ;)

If you'd like to read the new articles, here's the links:

Kipling Luggage - Rugged and Stylish
Hartmann Luggage - Quality and Craftsmanship

I'm off to have some yummy-licious sushi (aaaahh, drool) now, so I'll see ya soon!

Tara :)

Four New Articles!

No other news to report today, except for a nice Yahoo search (might've even gotten a sale, have to wait a few more hours to find out), so on to the new articles:

Atlantic Luggage Has What You’re Looking For!
Travelpro Luggage - Awards Galore!
Jansport Backpacks, A Company That Cares!
American Tourister Luggage, Affordable and Rugged

I'll probably post more tomorrow :)

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

No money today

But I got another article up. Delsey Luggage - A Long History. Nothing too exciting, I mean, there's not too much to say about luggage manufacturers beyond their history and what they carry. A few dozen more like this and I'll be done with manufacturers.

Nothing much exciting going on at work or at home. Tomorrow's my mini-Friday (I get Thursday off) back to work Friday and then V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N. Ok, not really, since I'll be working like mad on this site and the next one, but hey, I get to set my own hours for a week!

Just realised tonight that in about 5-6 weeks, it'll be camping time again! Ok, a bit earlier than the "official" camping season, but I miss my trailer SO much! I can so imagine myself working down there this summer. Ah, just me, the sharpei and the keeshond. (Tequila and Jager.) I'm one of those types that jumps at the slightest creaky noise, but thankfully these two dogs are better than any burglar alarm invented. Heck, they even protect me from my own father! lol (No need for protection according to ME, but I don't have normal dogs!)

Guess that's it for now. Took an over the counter sleeping pill because my sleep patters have SUCKED lately and I'm looking forward to not tossing and turning for 2 hours tonight. Maybe I'll even be able to get a couple articles done tomorrow if I sleep o.k. - I hope anyway!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Didn't quite make my goal... Good news though!

So, I didn't do it. Got up 6 though, and that's pretty good. I wasn't feeling great and I was tired most of the weekend, so that was the big reason. I got a ton of article research done though, so getting several articles up and running this week shouldn't be too difficult. I was hoping to do one or two tonight at work, but we were busy! And I guess they learned their lesson - or the network integration (combining Rogers and Fido cellular networks) is going to be ramping up. I don't think they anticipated the HUGE number of problems associated with it. There are more than just one model of phone (they only thought 1 model would be affected) that's become obsolete with the merger. Either way, it seems that for week after next I'm back to full time. Let's hope it keeps up for a little while longer. Ideally I'd like to be able to quit for July 1st, assuming the affliate marketing takes off.

Which brings me to my next piece of good news! Can't say how much I've made with Google Adsense (for some odd reason, it's against the rules), but for those of you who know what a Tim Horton's extra large mocha is, I made that tiny goal and surpassed it today. This has been my best day yet. Several searches off of this weekends articles resulted in 4 clicks. YAY! I can start to see more and more now that this will work. I can't imagine what I can make when I actually have more than visitors from www.associateprograms.com forums (great site btw - highly recomend it!) and the odd search.

For less than a month online and tops 3 weeks with Adsense on my pages, I think I'm doing pretty darn good!

Sunday, March 06, 2005

I'm almost at my goal..

One more article to go for the week. That's right! I wrote four - READ IT, FOUR - articles so far today. I think that's a record for me. The nice thing is, the more I write, the better AND faster I get. I'm now up to 17 articles. Not bad for not even a month and a half in! The next subject I think I'll tackle will be luggage manufacturers. By far and away this site will have more articles about luggage (in general) than any other topic on the site. That's ok though, I'm learning as I go.

My next site will be a lot better. I'm pretty sure it's niche is going to be pets. Not sure on the sub-niche yet. I found a couple of well paying keywords on Overture, but that sub-niche might be a little too tight. I'm on vacation again as of Friday, so I think March break will be where I create the foundation for the pet site. It will also help to change things up when writing articles. And I definitely know more about pets (and like the topic a WHOLE lot more) than travel accessories. (For those that don't know, we have 2 dogs and 2 cats. Email me if you want to see pictures :) )

Without further ado, here's the links to the 4 new articles (so you don't have to sort through all the older ones) :

Designer Luggage - You Know You Want It!
Laptop Backpacks - A Great Alternative to Briefcases!
Buying A Plus Size Swimsuit Isn't As Painful As You'd Think!
Children's Luggage - Oh To Be a Kid Again!

Feedback is always welcomed :)

Friday, March 04, 2005

Still Technically Friday...

And I got my ass in gear FINALLY. Two new articles are up, Leather Travel Bags, Now So Easy To Find! and Wheeled Luggage, So Many Choices!

Glad those are done. And hey, the night's still young for me (especially getting up at 2 pm only! lol) So maybe I can crank out a few more. My goal is 7 articles per week. Not one per day, because that's sometimes just impossible for me with my whacked out hours. I generally aim to surpass my goal, but this way I'm not upset if I don't get 14 per week.

Starting tomorrow, Eric will also be writing 3-7 per week. He doesn't know that yet - I figure I'll tell him when we go to bed so he'll be nice and sleepy.. tee hee! ;)

Friday Afternoon Ramblings

So it's my long awaited Friday off. My hours at work have been reduced for the last few weeks, and I've only been working 4 days/wk. Every other schedule but this one though, my day off has been Tuesday or Thursday. C'mon, how hard is it to give a 3 day freaking weekend?! That's my company for you though - why do things the logical way - it's much more fun to piss off the employees!

I had planned to get up nice and early today and get lots of work done. Didn't quite work out that way. I was up until almost 5 am mainly just surfing. I've got to stop doing so much of that. I really haven't been in the "working" vibe this week and last week. If this is ever going to take off though, I've got to put my nose to the grindstone and GET IT DONE.

At least I've gotten a whole bunch of outlines done for articles though. And I'm lucky enough that Eric helps, albeit somewhat grudgingly. He doesn't really want to spend time on this till it proves that it can make money. Catch-22 of course is that it won't make money if we don't do it, and for me to write all the articles alone will take a long time. If you've been to my travel accessories site, all of the power converter articles (not the link to power converters, but the articles at the bottom of the home page, there are 4) were written by him. That's how it started - he's so much more technically enclined than me. I tried to write one article and failed dismally.. lol He did a great job though. He realizes that he perhaps should NOT have done such a good job - I'm now making him do more ;)

I seriously can't wait for the day though when I'm making enough to hire someone to do the articles for me!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

More Google and Yahoo searches..

The only problem is, they were for typos. This isn't necessarily DIScouraged, but it's not ENcouraged either.. at least not abuse of it. I was found in the last couple of days for "powerconverters" (no space) and "samonite" (supposed to be samSonite). Samonite is my fault. I misspelt it totally by accident, but due to that misspelling, I'm position number 7 in Google for samonite. And samSonite is searched between 650-700 times per day. I'm sure a lot of people misspell it.. I've asked for advice on a forum, hopefully those kind people will be able to help me decide what to do. Because I have no clue.

No new articles lately, been working on off site stuff like submitting articles for publication, and submitting my site to lesser known engines and directories. I can see progress, and I know I'm lucky (some people are telling me who've been doing this a little longer than me that their jealous) but it feels like it's taking F-O-R-E-V-E-R to kick in. I know, shut up and stop complaining ;)