I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I blogged...
Sorry about that, but honestly, I haven't had much to say, and I still don't, really... The biggest news is how I'm still struggling to make myself not quit my job, and it still may happen this week. They're forcing 2 people to change to shifts they don't want and we won't know until tomorrow (hopefully) who gets them. If I get the early one or the late one full time I'm outta there. They are both really bad for me for various reasons (some personal, some job related) and I have a bad feeling of either of them, I'll get the late one. It was mentioned that everyone doing one day a week was a possibility, but if you're a long time reader, you'll remember that I'm Queen of Murphy's kingdom, so luck is not on my side. I'll let y'all know.
In other news, I've been told to mention if you have questions about Colin's books' or if you'd like to bitch about the fact that a certain someone's system really doesn't work anymore, feel free to head over to Colin's blog and vent your little heart out. Also, Colin has dropped the price of the VEO Report by almost half - so if you've been thinking about it, now's a great time to check it out. I don't know how long the price will be so low. Also, I heard from a friend that The Positive Mind (which is free when you buy The VEO Report) that right after reading it they quit smoking cold turkey and have maintained it now for 2 weeks. If you've read either, I'd LOVE to know your thoughts!
Out of curiousity, how is everyone's income doing this month? I hope it's not as bad as mine! All of this month won't equal just my Adsense from last month. I can only pray that March is better than February! And not just for my income, but my initiative for working on my sites. I've done little bits and pieces here and there, but nothing much. Fingers crossed!
And on that note, have a great week everyone!
Tara :)
In other news, I've been told to mention if you have questions about Colin's books' or if you'd like to bitch about the fact that a certain someone's system really doesn't work anymore, feel free to head over to Colin's blog and vent your little heart out. Also, Colin has dropped the price of the VEO Report by almost half - so if you've been thinking about it, now's a great time to check it out. I don't know how long the price will be so low. Also, I heard from a friend that The Positive Mind (which is free when you buy The VEO Report) that right after reading it they quit smoking cold turkey and have maintained it now for 2 weeks. If you've read either, I'd LOVE to know your thoughts!
Out of curiousity, how is everyone's income doing this month? I hope it's not as bad as mine! All of this month won't equal just my Adsense from last month. I can only pray that March is better than February! And not just for my income, but my initiative for working on my sites. I've done little bits and pieces here and there, but nothing much. Fingers crossed!
And on that note, have a great week everyone!
Tara :)