Lots to talk about today
Let's start with only the single most amazing deal for hosting I've ever seen. Not to say I don't love eMax, because I do, they're still the best in my opinion. On the other hand, everyone says it's good to diversify your hosting packages for many reasons. And at this price, you can't go wrong! I'll just give you the best part - for the rest of the information, visit BJ's blog, she is the amazing person who decided to let the world know about this. How's $9.24 for a domain and ONE YEAR OF HOSTING sound to you?!? That's the deal! I couldn't find a way to choose the domain later, so before you head over to buy (and why wouldn't you?) have a domain name ready. To be honest, I have no need for more hosting, eMax covers my needs - but hell, a domain for $9.24 is still a great deal.
There's a product that I've been using since I started that I think every affiliate should have. It's called Roboform. I never thought about promoting or even talking about it before, because when I first started this blog, I was naively under the assumption that my readers were James Martell followers. I know this is not the case as some of my closest buds aren't. JM suggests to use this in one of the first chapters of his book. The reason I'm talking about it today is because the thought actually crossed my mind this morning - I LOVE Roboform! Now, this IS an affiliate link, I won't hide that, but no worries, the payouts aren't huge, I won't get rich from this, but I figure since I'm taking the time to tell you all about the wonderful service, heck, why not get $.05 here and there? ;)
Alright, so we know how often you need to enter passwords or your address or even your credit card information on a daily basis when logging into our various affiliate networks, right? Imagine just clicking a button and having all the information filled in? Sure you can use the AutoFill feature on Google's Toolbar, but how much can you really edit it? With Roboform you can enter anything you like, change it as often as you like and even have multiple entries for the same website. It even passwords your passwords so no one can get in. If you decide to try it out, you'll have 30 days (I believe) with the full features. After your free trial is over, you can still use it, but you're limited to 10 passcards (login/password), which is plenty for some - I thought it would be plenty for me. If you opt to upgrade though, all your previously saved passwords return and you get unlimited passcards to use. I think it was all of a few hours before I opted to upgrade.. lol So, if you want to save time when surfing the web, Roboform will definitely help!
Ok, now about affiliate marketing. I now have a total of 3 sales this week - 2 from the travel site, 1 from the pet memorials site. Nothing spectacular as the totals of all 3 are around $12, but it still gives me lots of hope about things to come. Oh, and Adsense is doing AMAZINGLY well - I'm extremely close to last month's total, I'd say I'll hit it today or tomorrow. *** Correction, done - and I'm now in the triple digits for the month. Which is awesome. And if all goes well with the new site I'm working on, you might see it later this week. Because of some external problems with it though, it's more likely to be next week. Either way though, very soon.
On a personal note, I'm alone again this week as the hubby's gone back to work, so hopefully all the articles I need to get done on the new site will happen, as well as at least 2 each for my other sites. While I still (and probably never will) don't love being alone at night here, (very, very dark and the coyotes howling don't help) I like it when it's quiet during the week, I get so much more done! Alas though, as of Friday my parents arrive for what's known in Quebec as "Construction holidays", the last 2 weeks of July. Probably at least 50% of Quebec is on holiday then and my parents opted to spend their vaca here because they couldn't find a campground they liked that was still taking reservations. So likely after Friday not much work will get done again by virtue of 2 dogs and 2 adults being under foot, or rather, under my feet.. lol So hustle time is NOW!
Have a great week folks!
Tara :)
There's a product that I've been using since I started that I think every affiliate should have. It's called Roboform. I never thought about promoting or even talking about it before, because when I first started this blog, I was naively under the assumption that my readers were James Martell followers. I know this is not the case as some of my closest buds aren't. JM suggests to use this in one of the first chapters of his book. The reason I'm talking about it today is because the thought actually crossed my mind this morning - I LOVE Roboform! Now, this IS an affiliate link, I won't hide that, but no worries, the payouts aren't huge, I won't get rich from this, but I figure since I'm taking the time to tell you all about the wonderful service, heck, why not get $.05 here and there? ;)
Alright, so we know how often you need to enter passwords or your address or even your credit card information on a daily basis when logging into our various affiliate networks, right? Imagine just clicking a button and having all the information filled in? Sure you can use the AutoFill feature on Google's Toolbar, but how much can you really edit it? With Roboform you can enter anything you like, change it as often as you like and even have multiple entries for the same website. It even passwords your passwords so no one can get in. If you decide to try it out, you'll have 30 days (I believe) with the full features. After your free trial is over, you can still use it, but you're limited to 10 passcards (login/password), which is plenty for some - I thought it would be plenty for me. If you opt to upgrade though, all your previously saved passwords return and you get unlimited passcards to use. I think it was all of a few hours before I opted to upgrade.. lol So, if you want to save time when surfing the web, Roboform will definitely help!
Ok, now about affiliate marketing. I now have a total of 3 sales this week - 2 from the travel site, 1 from the pet memorials site. Nothing spectacular as the totals of all 3 are around $12, but it still gives me lots of hope about things to come. Oh, and Adsense is doing AMAZINGLY well - I'm extremely close to last month's total, I'd say I'll hit it today or tomorrow. *** Correction, done - and I'm now in the triple digits for the month. Which is awesome. And if all goes well with the new site I'm working on, you might see it later this week. Because of some external problems with it though, it's more likely to be next week. Either way though, very soon.
On a personal note, I'm alone again this week as the hubby's gone back to work, so hopefully all the articles I need to get done on the new site will happen, as well as at least 2 each for my other sites. While I still (and probably never will) don't love being alone at night here, (very, very dark and the coyotes howling don't help) I like it when it's quiet during the week, I get so much more done! Alas though, as of Friday my parents arrive for what's known in Quebec as "Construction holidays", the last 2 weeks of July. Probably at least 50% of Quebec is on holiday then and my parents opted to spend their vaca here because they couldn't find a campground they liked that was still taking reservations. So likely after Friday not much work will get done again by virtue of 2 dogs and 2 adults being under foot, or rather, under my feet.. lol So hustle time is NOW!
Have a great week folks!
Tara :)
3 sales this week! Craziness! Congradulations as always.
JonnyQ888, at July 12, 2005 11:39 AM
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