I WILL make it!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Back after an exhausting weekend

And I'm TIRED. So if any of this is incoherent, you'll know why :)

As predicted, there weren't too many sober moments, though I wasn't the worst. We found out my best friend's boyfriend is quite a lightweight - but he provided many giggly moments.. lol

The weather sucked. Friday was decent, and then rain. 3 days of rain. Lots of movies and games going on, but it was nice to see friends and family.

On the A.M. front, I have surpassed last month's earnings in Adsense, in no small part due to today's earning's alone. With a week to go, I will most likely hit the $100 mark by the 31 of May. If not, I will bet my first check that I have it by the 5 of June. No commissions that I've seen yet, which is very depressing - across the board through all of my affiliate networks I'm averaging about a 7% click-through rate of those who visit my product pages. Oh well, it'll happen eventually, right?

I think this week (a short one again since we go camping every weekend) I'll be working strictly on my not-so-secret site. I'm not too crazy about alot of the Adsense ads on most of the pages, but I've gone as far as I can with Google, so I'll have to just do some testing. To do that I'll need visitors so I'll need to go live. Plus I'd like to see some more cash :)

So, I guess that's the weekend roundup. Oh, and I did all but 2 of the articles I had planned last week. Hope you all had a great weekend and have a fantastic money-making week!

Tara :)


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