I WILL make it!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

To the anonymous commenter

Here's the comment:

Couldn't yr last statment here also be construed as doing essentially the same thing as the person you wrote about did. It just is a lot less blatant.

Um, do you have problems reading? Or just English comprehension? Let me refresh your memory:

"And please, I hope no one who visits my blog clicks on the Adsense to help me - only click if you are interested in the site being advertised!"

Did anyone else think that I meant "please, click on my Adsense ads, I WANT to steal from generous Google and the advertisers"???

LET ME BE CLEAR: please, DO NOT click on Adsense UNLESS you are GENUINELY INTERESTED in the advertisement. This applies to ANY website you visit, not just this blog. I hope that was easier to understand, though I can't understand where the misunderstanding was to begin with. I also don't understand why someone with an IDtenT problem bugged me that much, but I have a problem when my integrity is attacked.

Heck, I've gone so far as clearly explain what Adsense is to close friends and family and TO NEVER click on it unless they have a sudden urge to purchase some kind of travel accessories.

I have personally clicked on Adsense on one or two sites because I was interested in the product. I'm not ready to buy yet, and won't be for a long time (a new R.V.) but that site is bookmarked for when I will be ready. I don't click on it willy nilly, because I know what it's about.

In conclusion, I do NOT endorse what that other blog said in the SLIGHTEST and avidly encourage everyone to follow the example of what I wrote above and in yesterday's post. Or you may find yourself losing all your earnings. It's up to you.

Tara :)


  • I've heard of troubles with anonymous posters. I think you can setup your blog to not accept any anonymous posters. This should discourage a few.

    By Blogger Unknown, at April 22, 2005 8:42 AM  

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