An Example of what NOT TO DO
If the owner of this blog, would like to contact me, I have no problem with it, as I looked for a way to contact him and couldn't find any.
For anyone who's not clear on Google Adsense's TOS, DO NOT TELL PEOPLE TO CLICK ON THE ADSENSE! Especially don't say:
"Google's adwords are also a good way for your readers to reward YOU for running a good blog, without spending any of their own money. For instance, if YOU click one of the ads in the Google block on the right, I will earn a small amount of money. You don't actually have to SPEND any money to give me this small reward. Your users will be able to do the same with your blog."
This is the best way to LOSE the money you get. Let alone the ethical ramifications - this guy is essentially TELLING people to steal the advertisers' money. Don't get me wrong, it's crossed everyone's mind to suggest that (for a split second), but then we realize that it's wrong. Dave, if you're reading this, I would take that post down IMMEDIATELY unless you want to forfeit all the money you've made, even if it's a little. Because Google WILL catch you. I'm not doing this to be nasty, if I was, I'd have reported you to Google directly.
And please, I hope no one who visits my blog clicks on the Adsense to help me - only click if you are interested in the site being advertised!
Tara :)
For anyone who's not clear on Google Adsense's TOS, DO NOT TELL PEOPLE TO CLICK ON THE ADSENSE! Especially don't say:
"Google's adwords are also a good way for your readers to reward YOU for running a good blog, without spending any of their own money. For instance, if YOU click one of the ads in the Google block on the right, I will earn a small amount of money. You don't actually have to SPEND any money to give me this small reward. Your users will be able to do the same with your blog."
This is the best way to LOSE the money you get. Let alone the ethical ramifications - this guy is essentially TELLING people to steal the advertisers' money. Don't get me wrong, it's crossed everyone's mind to suggest that (for a split second), but then we realize that it's wrong. Dave, if you're reading this, I would take that post down IMMEDIATELY unless you want to forfeit all the money you've made, even if it's a little. Because Google WILL catch you. I'm not doing this to be nasty, if I was, I'd have reported you to Google directly.
And please, I hope no one who visits my blog clicks on the Adsense to help me - only click if you are interested in the site being advertised!
Tara :)
Couldn't yr last statment here also be construed as doing essentially the same thing as the person you wrote about did. It just is a lot less blatant.
By Anonymous, at April 21, 2005 3:40 PM
I have put adds on google adsense. It's not google that's hurt by the random clicks, it's the advertisers. It's not a huge deal because you only get something like .06% clickthrough to begin with. If people want to beg, let em. It's not the greatest thing in the world, but you're not going to kill anyone's business.
By NJX70, at April 22, 2005 3:56 PM
I saw somewhere how you can fix your adsense so it doesn't just show "surfing" related ads when visited through a surfing site like BE. You should look into that, so it will show ads more related to what you write about. I wish I could tell you the fix, but I don't have ads on my blogs (just a donate button).
I saw the most amazing blog yesterday, which said he would link to anyone's blog who donated at least $1 - give me a break!
By Annie, at April 25, 2005 7:44 AM
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