I WILL make it!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Early Friday Morning, And...

Well, I doubt very much I'll make my goal of the skeletons of the 2 sites. I bought Keywords Results Analyzer and after reading the manual, I realised that while my research at Wordtracker wasn't BAD, it just wasn't going to work with KRA. So, I went back and redid ALL my research (tried to use what I had, and after several hours, finally figured it was faster to start over) and also did a competition search, which is really the basis of KRA.

So, I'm a little behind schedule, to put it mildly. I'm hoping to get the home and products pages done for my dog site tomorrow. And I don't think there are any network integrations on Saturday (I have to work, hence my current 3 days off), at least I sure as hell HOPE not, so maybe I'll get more done at work on Saturday if it's quiet.

And since I talked a bit about KRA, I should mention that I think it's a great tool, but like BJ says, if you are very proficient in Excel, you could probably set up a similar spreadsheet yourself. I, however, am NOT, so this tool is very worth it to me. I'm still not sure how brutal I'm going to be when it comes to what the minimum KEI (see Wordtracker's website for more info) and maximum competing sites numbers, but it's sure fun to play around!

I think that's about it... Except it SO should've been Chris fired tonight on the Apprentice! And good riddance to Ibrahim on Survivor.. though Bobby John or Steph would've been just as good. I'm finding this season lame.. how boring - 7 tribal councils IN A ROW - what special kind of idiots do you have to be?!

Tara :)


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