I WILL make it!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Forgive my ramblings, I'm a tired Queen

So if anything comes out spelt funny or doesn't make sense, bug off, I could've gone to bed @ 8 if it weren't for the fact I'd have been up @ 4 or 5 am, which is just WRONG.

Ok, so I know a lot of you have been checking in today waiting for the new site. The hubby thinks it looks great and we couldn't find any major booboos. One of the 2 merchants I've been waiting on finally gave me an answer - after I called them. It was an 800 number (nice touch for an indie) and I got an apology, they felt bad and were surprised they didn't get anything. The other one I'll call tomorrow unless I get up late and we leave for the trailer early.

In the meantime, to heck with waiting, I'm going to go live now. Say hello to my newest (brain)child, Pet Memorials Info. It's small and probably won't get to a typical Martell size as there's just not enough keywords. I found the niche when researching the dog/cat/pet site, which ended up being the Dog Info site. It seems to be a fairly untapped niche. Also very few merchants. But, I thought it was an interesting topic (albeit morbid) and potentially lucrative. I guess we'll see.

So the cat's outta the bag. Let me know (as always, constructive not rude, criticism) what you think!

Have a great weekend folks, if you're in the North East of North America, welcome to Spring - it seems someone forgot about us, but they just woke up and it should be a nice weekend, FINALLY! lol

Tara :)


  • Great layout and neat niche. Using a top-nav with Google ads on the side is how I ran group of sites that went up last Fall. Good results I had.

    I ran includes for the G-ads so I could test with ease. I found on some sites that if I used a blue title link on the ads while keeping the text in the ads grey along with using the body hyberlinks within the text as a calm/pastel color my clicks doubled.

    Blue hyper links still trigger people to think, "Hey, that is to be clicked."

    And god, I love when they do so.

    Again, nice layout. I actually read most of it and I don't even have a bet!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 03, 2005 5:25 AM  

  • Uh, pet.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 03, 2005 5:25 AM  

  • You just continue to pop them out, huh? The site looks great as I've told you before but congradulations are definitely in order. The new site will be getting a plug in my next post. Again, congradulations on having 3 LIVE sites=)

    By Blogger JonnyQ888, at June 03, 2005 7:34 AM  

  • Jscott - Thank you for the tips and the compliment. Means a lot from an experienced marketer like you :) Not sure if I'll do the blue hyperlink on this site, it may match a bit better than on the dog site since the background is blue. I don't want anything TOO jarring either, know what I mean, jelly bean?

    Jon - lol You know damn well how long it took to get this one ready... hardly popping out 1 a week! Again, thank you both for the compliment and the plug! When I get back Sunday or Monday, I expect to hear of lots of sales, ya hear?

    Tara :)

    By Blogger Tara, at June 03, 2005 11:49 AM  

  • Vicky - I was at your blog and had quite a few giggle, especially your reference to the evil genius at 5 am! lol

    Thank you for the complements. I was thinking, drop me an email @ support AT a1-travel-accessories DOT com (I'm sure you can figure out what to do with that ;)) and we should chat. I'm always willing to chat with and help (if I can, I'm fairly new myself) a fellow affiliate marketer, especially a woman, and especially a fellow Canuck! (Always open to others as well!)

    Tara :)

    By Blogger Tara, at June 03, 2005 2:03 PM  

  • Thanks BJ! Yeah, I'm going to let it go as is for a while (took me a while to match those damn colours! lol) but I may change it to blue if it doesn't work well. Happily, Yahoo has already been by twice today!

    Tara :)

    By Blogger Tara, at June 03, 2005 2:31 PM  

  • Congrats on another great site!

    By Blogger Ottawa Information Guide, at June 03, 2005 10:35 PM  

  • Heck, a marketer I am not. Just a business guy.

    Have fun camping.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 04, 2005 11:24 AM  

  • Hey OIG - Thanks to you! How're the articles coming along?

    JScott - whatever you call yourself, I know you're no "greenie" :)

    By Blogger Tara, at June 06, 2005 6:35 PM  

  • Saw you over on BJ's great blog ;)

    I think it looks great and agree that its a great niche! I have been in the pet industry for over 3 years now, I LOVE IT! And there are so many different angles/niches. I think I am up to 5 or 6 pet sites now with a few more "planned"...

    I had a company keep emailing me about doing pet memorials, but I am just adding a review/article to my site - great idea making it - its own site. Good Luck!

    By Blogger Credit Repair, at June 06, 2005 9:01 PM  

  • Thanks Chrissie, you're right, BJ's blog rocks, and I love yours too, I read it all the time!

    Thank you for the compliment - templates are awesome! lol I hope it will take off, and you're right, there are so many ways to approach the pet industry it's crazy. I may do a cat site eventually too.

    And hey - if you wanna exchange links for any of your pet sites with my dog or pet memorial sites, I'd love to chat :)

    Tara :)

    By Blogger Tara, at June 06, 2005 9:09 PM  

  • True. I tend to like the color black. Or is that lack of? Whatever.

    Anywho, I did a big play for dog stuff a while back. Ran all the AKC breeds (140 or 160?-can't remember). I do know that people love their dogs and the sign-ups for newsletters were incredible. Pay perclick was at a low pricepoint but steady.

    How bout you get the whole pet thing going and buy my niche out. That would be ideal. Well, for me and mine. Make ya a sweet deal.

    Neither here nor there.

    I was going to say something brilliant but figured out that my statement about my fave color was much more brilliant.

    Oh, btw, what are you using to track your metric data?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 07, 2005 5:45 AM  

  • Jscott - it's odd, most of the time, I never know whether to take you seriously or not. ;)

    Tara :)

    By Blogger Tara, at June 08, 2005 1:31 AM  

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